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On the 11th November 2016 Woodcote Lodge held one of its most prestigious meetings.  We were honoured to be chosen to hold a Special Meeting of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey in the presence of the Right Worshipful Grand Master, RW Bro Ian Michael Chandler Prov GM and his Grand Officers.

The Worshipful Grand Master took the Masters chair and opened a Provincial Grand Lodge and proceeded to grant Provincial Promotions to a number of masons from several Surrey Lodges. The Provincial Grand Lodge was closed and Woodcote Lodge Initiated a new Brother, Pedro Miguel Manafaia Da Silva Duarte.  W. Master Menicos Menicou granted W. Bro Paul Griffiths the honour of conducting the Initiation.  Over 100 Masons attended this special meeting and festive board, so our new Brother, Pedro, must have had a real surprise when he was restored to ‘light’.

All the Brethren of Woodcote Lodge rose to the occasion to make this meeting a success, but a special congratulations must go to W.Bro Dennis Evans our Secretary, W.Bro Nick Jupp our Treasurer, and W.Bro Paul Griffiths our Director of Ceremonies.

W. Bro.  Dennis Evans PPJGD

By email

Re Special meeting of Woodcote Lodge No 4891 

Dear Bro.  Dennis

I write to thank you and all the members of Woodcote Lodge No 4891 for you hospitality and warm welcome last week.  It was so generous of you all to allow us to us your meeting for me to confer celebratory appointments and promotions.  I am very sorry that we messed you around a little by moving the meeting to Croydon, but I hope you agree it worked out well and was a day to remember.

Obviously this helped with swelling your numbers somewhat, which added to making it an even more special day for Bro. Pedro.  Having chatted to him he really enjoyed his ceremony and the dinner.  I can see that he is a quick learner.

Thank you for your support for our Festival appeal, I am very pleased to hear that a number of brethren have signed up to become Festival Stewards which is great news.

Once again, thank you for your support and please pass on my best wishes and seasonal greetings to all of your brethren.

Kind regards and best wishes

Sincerely and fraternally

Ian. M. Chandler

Provincial Grand Master